According to a UFO hunter, aliens have killed many sheep in Wales.
Helena Worth, a self-described “amateur scientist,” developed an obsession with extraterrestrials when she reported seeing one fly over her house a number of years ago.
The 41-year-old employee of Ceredigion County Council in Wales has now asserted that recent sheep mutilations close to her home are the result of extraterrestrial life.
Big cats have previously been blamed for the deaths of sheep in the Cambrian Mountains, where it’s common to find many carcasses dispersed over a wide area.
Helena, though, contends that UFOs are a more plausible theory.
“With cattle and sheep mutilations, it’s always very precise cut marks or something an animal couldn’t do,” she said. “And there often aren’t any footprints up to the animal, so there is no evidence humans are responsible, so maybe it could have come from above.”

Farmers in and around the Cambrian Mountains have long suspected a giant cat is to blame for the cruel livestock slaughter described in Cambrian News.
Since the 1970s, when several sheep were discovered to have been eaten, there have been rumors of a huge cat lurking in the Ceredigion region.
There have been numerous incidents, including the slaughter of 20 sheep in 2012 and the death of 12 sheep in the village of “Bont” in 1981, which gave the Beast of Bont its name.
Jonathan Davies, a local farmer, informed law enforcement earlier this year that one of his sheep had been killed.
“Two of my sheep were skinned … there was no actual body left. Just the skin.
“It was so tidy – it was like someone had been there with a knife and skinned them.
“I’d never seen anything like that before. Only the head was left.”
Mr. Davies said that Dyfed-Powys Police informed him that a huge cat might have killed his yearling ewes.
Accounts of the most recent incident are what motivated Helena to speak up because she thought the huge cat explanation wasn’t tenable.
She asserted that prior reports of orb sightings around the attacks gave credence to her theory, and believes there is a ‘sheep mutilation corridor’.
“It is an area down Wales where these have occurred. We think UFOs are responsible as orbs have been seen about the time and in the areas these mutilations have happened, both in Wales and in the US”