Audience Members Dragged Out of Theatre for Singing Over Performers

    Following the mayhem at yesterday night’s performance of The Bodyguard at Manchester’s Palace Theatre in the UK, the musical’s lead actor apologized on Instagram.

    The lead actress, Melody Thornton, who plays Rachel Marron, expressed her regret that the performance on Friday night had to be cut short early and that she “fought really hard” to finish. She expressed her “gratitude” for those who had purchased seats in the crowd and her “respect” for those performing on stage.

    Police were called to venue because staff reported a number of audience members causing a disturbance. According to reports, audience members frequently interrupted singers despite the show’s producers requesting them not to and installing signs around the theatre.

    The musical’s opening act was briefly interrupted to remove a few audience members who wouldn’t stop singing. Then,’mini riots’ and ‘fights’ broke out among the audience 10 minutes before the show’s conclusion.

    On camera, two women can be seen being hauled from the theater’s upper circle.

    Melody said: “I wanted to send a really special message to people in Manchester who came to the show tonight, to say ‘thank you so much’.

    “I respect that you paid your money and I am so grateful to everyone who respects the people on stage who want to give you a beautiful show. For everything that happened tonight, I can’t say, I don’t have all of the details.

    “I just am very very sorry that we couldn’t finish the show. I fought really hard, it feels awful. I just hope that we see you again.

    “The Bodyguard is a great show, it’s a wonderful story, love story. And I know people were out just to see a really beautiful show and I think everyone who was respectful of the performers, I am very sorry for those who weren’t.

    “Hopefully we see you soon. That’s it, thank you, love you.”

    Following the drama, Ayden Callaghan, who plays bodyguard Frank Farmer in the show, tweeted, “Theatre pulled the show at the end tonight because of disgusting behaviour. We wanted to carry on but it had become a major incident. I’m really sorry to what was 99.9% a brilliant audience that a few badly behaved individuals ruined it.”

    Two people were removed by security personnel, according to a statement on the event released this morning by Greater Manchester Police. Before deciding if any additional action will be taken, the evidence is now being “reviewed.”

    “Two people removed by security staff were spoken to by police and a decision about any further action will be made once the evidence has been reviewed.”

    Read more here.






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